Live as many as you can, as well as you can. You never know if it will be your last."

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Growing old, dying and why some of us don’t fear the inevitable.

There is a time to leave the party. You have had a good time, have had your fill, you’re a bit wobbly from too much drink and conversation. The crowd has thinned, at least of anyone you know. In fact, most of your family and many of your friends have left already. You find less and less in common with the other guests and it becomes an effort to put on a fresh face and pretend you care about petty concerns.
The newer guests are still living it up and it gives you comfort to know they will keep the party going without you.
If you stay any longer you fear you’ll make a fool of yourself. You might pee your pants or babble incoherently. No matter how hard you try, you can’t always hear what others are saying. If you stay any longer you just know you are going to become a drag and your hosts, while concerned, will have to divert time and attention to you which might be used more constructively elsewhere.
You look around and realize, the party is no longer one where you fit. They are dancing to tunes you don’t recognize and they use words not in your lexicon. You are really not interested in adapting to new ways. Peace and quiet seems more prized than frantic activity.
The thought crosses your mind: it’s time to go home.

This was written by Carolyn Wexler on Quora. What a beautiful way to express oneself.  

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