Live as many as you can, as well as you can. You never know if it will be your last."

Monday, April 17, 2017

What I connect with is who I am.

When life starts to hit me hard I read things about the importance of fatherhood and soon I'm feeling pretty good again because I connect with the positive parts of it, both the tough and the easy.  Sometimes you just "get" something. I get being a dad.

Image result for father child photos

I've held strong through some messed up things because I know my worth is recognized by my children, that's a fact, and in the end that's all you need. Time will validate you were capable of complete love for another because you were committed to keeping your word and commitments. Your true love expressed with promises kept and faithful to the end. That makes me respectable. I'd like to say it makes me bad ass and cool but I already was that. 

Parenting magazine shared studies that didn't suggest, but concluded, that involved dads equal successful children.  As a father to two soon to be teenage girls, it popped right out to me that a teenage girl is less likely to become pregnant or suffer from depression if their dad is actively involved in their lives. They are less likely to have difficult school years. Hmm.  What about that!  Dads are just good to have.