Live as many as you can, as well as you can. You never know if it will be your last."

Monday, July 24, 2017

Oh Snap!

I'm not the typist I hoped I would be one day so things just didn't get finished as I had hoped. However, I found myself with some free time the last 70 days and ventured out into new territory and ended up writing my first novel. 

It is titled Jonathan Coverlet and the Supplanter Queen. 

What's it about?

It's a dirty story of a dirty man, And his clinging wife doesn't understand. His son is working for the Daily Mail. It's a steady job, But he wants to be a paperback writer.

Well, not really but it probably falls best into the "fantasy/horror/I'm not sure how to categorize it" genre. I'd read an Orson Scott Card introduction to Ender's Game where he explained that you can't really develop a believable character without showing how they interact with people around him. Not a person, but people is what burrowed into my brain. You're a different person with each individual you interact with. How someone treats their boss, versus a partner, versus a child, versus those he feels superior and inferior to. 

At that point I thought, oh my hell, I think I might be able to do that. I've read so much crap in my day, I'm going to give it a shot. So I started with Jonathan Coverlet had began describing his interactions with others, and a story began to form. Kind of like, "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out." 

Did I succeed? I don't know. What I do know is I created a handful of characters that I grew to love and who took on entities of their own, or so it felt. Regardless, I personally love them all and whether or not anyone else is still reading, I consider it one of the most fulfilling experiences in my entire life. I will be posting it online, chapter by chapter as I input it into digital form, as I wrote the whole damn thing with copy paper and a number 2 pencil. Why is that?  Well, that's another post. 

So when I get chapter one into binary code I will put a link here and invite you into the world of Jonathan Coverlet's.