Live as many as you can, as well as you can. You never know if it will be your last."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

In the Darkness of Night

At night, when the world is in bed for the night an you lie there, have you ever faced yourself? Who you are? What defines you.

Let me tell you something about what is really yours, and what you think is yours.

Your home, it's not yours because you can lose it.

How about your kids? Sorry, in the blink of an  eye... gone.

How about your wife? Your best friend?

I learned through a lot of study and work inside me that there are few things that are truly mine. These things no one can take, molest or steal from you.

Your honor. Your dignity, Your sense of humor. Your commitment. Your drive. Your relationship with your Maker. And the thing inside you that tells you that you are loved... Those beautiful type things.

When I go to be at night, I do so in peace. THe kind of peace you wish you could share but you have to find it on your own.

A year ago it would have mattered to me what people would think of me if I posted something like this. You know how I feel today? That was nothing more than a passing thought.

That's all.