Live as many as you can, as well as you can. You never know if it will be your last."

Monday, November 3, 2008

My Favorite Women in Music... Part Five of Six...

Carly Simon. The best kept secret of any song is WHO is Your So Vain about? Bobby Gentry eventually gave into telling with 'The Ode to Billie Joe,' Don McClean gave into 'American Pie...' (I HATE that song.) Anyway, a great singer/songwriter with a story to tell.
Mary Travers of Peter, Paul and Mary. Am I getting way 'out-there?' I really like folk music and I remember my Dad getting the Peter, Paul and Mary debut album. I don't think he listened to it much but I absorbed it... and there was a time when my oldest son was just a baby and he'd sing along with me.
Nokko. Solo artist and front for Rebecca, a Japanese band I listened to often while on the island. As a band Rebecca was big throughout the '80's and '90's disbanding in 1999. Nokko now performs and records as a solo artist. (Side note... it was next to impossible to find a picture of her, even on Google Japan.)
Suzanne Vega. Solo artist. She's made some catchy hooks without seeming like they are hooks. How about... 'My name is Luka...' and 'You seem to me, like a man, 0n the verge of burning 99.9 Fahrenheit degrees...' and 'I am sitting in the morning at the diner on the corner...' I saw her on Howard Stern, He was such an idiot and she walked out of that situation with dignity. That's a cool chick.

.Fergie, solo artist and part of Black Eyed Peas. Used to be part of a band called Wild Orchid... but I only know that because my wife told me so. She pulls off the style without going ghetto.