Live as many as you can, as well as you can. You never know if it will be your last."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Personal Favorite Women in Music... the Top 30-ish... with an INTRODUCTION by me, Jonathan, here at The Ocean Is Deep.

I couldn't keep it at 20, so I've expanded to 30-ish...

When I say my Favorite Women in Music I am talking about the women that I think created... brought... revolutionized... (use whatever descriptive word you want) a sound. Anyway, as I was introduced or exposed to these artist, they moved me inside, and if I were ever stuck on a desert island, they would all have to be part of my song selections inside my ipod.

Anyway, about my list. I wasn't even sure how it would evolve. I guess I'm really not sure how it did. I did think about it a lot, when I had some downtime to just think. I felt I could put together a really solid list of 30 people that I thought were tops. I did NOT want a list based on who's won the most Grammys or who is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. There's a lot of people with Grammys that just don't sing to me...

In this blog I've broken a list of 30 up into six parts, and they aren't in any particular order. I did start my list with Carole King because my first memories of hearing songs were all sung by either Carole King or Karen Carpenter. From there, I just clicked whoever I saw next in my pictures folder as I uploaded them, and Blogger only allowed me five at a time... but it actually worked out better that way, looking back.

There is one individual that didn't make my list but she deserves to be recognized here. The only reason I didn't keep her on my list is she's a country music singer... and that's really not my first choice in music to listen to. Maybe in the Official Rule Book for Making Lists, that shouldn't exclude her but I'm just making this up as I go. So even though I usually steer clear of country music as a matter of personal preferences, I could listen to this woman's songs over and over... In fact, she originally was in my list of 30, (actually she was WAY in before 30...) but I took her out and put someone else in... I don't have a better reason than that.

Even so, I admire her and her work, so before I dive into my Top 30 Favorite Women in Music, I want to give her an EXTRA VERY SPECIAL HONORABLE MENTION as one of my favorite female artist of all time... and I think is probably the most talented female artist alive today... Dolly Parton.

Dolly Parton is a stand-out... (no, not because of those things...) She's truly a notch above the sea of talent that is out there. She can sing a wide range of songs and she writes songs for herself and for others. Whitney Houston's hit, I Will Always Love You, was first recorded by Dolly Parton. (And not to change the subject, but what a gracious personality... doesn't she have the BEST nature about her?)